Consensus statement & guideline work with NBA focusses on TA-GVHD & use of RhD positive blood in women of childbearing…
Key events shaping transfusion in Australia and New Zealand.
Consensus statement & guideline work with NBA focusses on TA-GVHD & use of RhD positive blood in women of childbearing…
We celebrate a CSL-Behring £40K postgraduate scholarship for a young researcher enrolled at an Australasian university, focusing on the clinical…
The pandemic, high ICU admissions, and disruptions to elective surgery challenge blood services and blood supply. Blood 2020 is postponed,…
Transfusion Practitioners meet at an inaugural study/skill day during Blood 2019 in Perth. With available Research Grant funds raised to $75K,…
A 1996 Act of Parliament enshrined Indigenous Australians as citizens in the Australian Constitution. ANZSBT affirms its journey towards reconciliation…
The three Standing Committees; Transfusion Science (TSSC), Education (ESC) & Clinical Practice Improvement (CPIC) continue their bedrock work to guide…
Revised Guidelines for Transfusion & Immunohaematology Laboratory Practice are released. Competition for our transfusion medicine research funding continues to be…
With ISBT, the Society continues to support Asia Pacific neighbours with ASM travel grants to transfusionists from Indonesia, PNG &…
Accumulated ANZSBT clinical & laboratory experience & promotion culminates in a joint publication with TGA on the approval & use…
ANZSBT supports transfusion practitioners from the Solomon Islands, Samoa, Indonesia & Vanuatu to travel to the Melbourne ASM (with ISH…
ANZSBT expert advisory input to national committees continues including: NPAAC, NATA, TGA, National E-Learning Transfusion Advisory Committee & the inaugural…
Avoiding unnecessary transfusions for treatment of iron deficiency anaemia is the focus of an ANZSBT collaborative 2010 MJA publication. Regular…
With ARCBS, NATA & TGA, ANZSBT begins a review of complex refrigeration standards with Standards Australia. Requirements for management of thawed…
An NBA steering group on Blood Component Usage with two ANZSBT members, works on novel guidelines to better reflect clinical…
ANZSBT contributes to the ARCBS Emergency Blood Management Plan & members continue their key input to national hospital accreditation standards…
ANZSBT brings expertise to a strategic forum with the Australian Red Cross Blood Service, examining security of the clinical supply…
Recognising the need to maintain up-to-date guidelines in a rapidly evolving field committed to best practice, Council publishes ‘Topics in…
Members at the Christchurch AGM reflect on the positive aspects of publication of our guideline updates & new guidelines together…
Collaboration with national health bodies continues with ASBT invited to join the Commonwealth TGA Blood Safety & Quality Group. Guidelines…
The World Trade Centre attacks present major travel challenges for international guest speakers; three provide substitute video presentations. ASBT/NHMRC Clinical…
The ASBT Research Fund is activated with $30K allocated towards initial applications. SSC gives top priority to drafting new guidelines…
ASBT makes an expert submission to the Commonwealth Inquiry into the Australian Blood System, chaired by Sir Ninian Stephen. Members…
AusAID recognises the impact of the 1996 Vietnam workshop & awards a $20,000 grant to deliver a 1997 workshop with…
ASBT members deliver transfusion workshops in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Other educational activities focus on Topics in Transfusion Medicine,…
Guidelines for Pre-Operative Autologous Blood Collection near finalisation as the SSC considers future topics including Leucocyte Depletion, Blood Product Irradiation…
First Educational Broadsheet & a Patient Information Leaflet on blood transfusion are published in hard copy. SSC gathers data on electronic…
A reconstituted SSC creates two expert committees to consider Autologous Blood Collection in Hospitals & Administration of Anti-D. Educational Broadsheets…
At the Canberra ASM a Consensus Conference on the Use of IVIG with significant contributions from ASBT & HSA leads…
At the ASM in Melbourne, special guest Ruth Sanger hears Dr Barry Boetcher give the second Sanger Oration in her…
The Training in Transfusion Medicine Sub-Committee report is made available to all members. Discussions with Prof Alan Waters, (inaugural editor…
The ASM focus includes Unrelated Bone Marrow & Platelet Donor Panels & Platelet Serology. Many delegates travel to this meeting…
The Ruth Sanger Oration is conceived; she agrees to this recognition but declines ASBT’s invitation to deliver the first oration…
In a cold, southern winter, the ASM on Queensland’s Hamilton Island is very well attended (despite a raging cyclone). With…
The much-anticipated ISBT meeting is successfully hosted in Sydney with musical performances by senior ASBT members in the Great Hall…
Brisbane hosts the ASM with HSA & a selection of lively social events, including a new spouses’ program. Symposia topics…
Viral transmission by transfusion: HIV-AIDS & Non-A, Non-B Hepatitis (HCV), continues front-of-mind at ASM discussions. Poster presentations, a new educational innovation,…
Dunedin hosts members to ASBT symposia focussed on platelet transfusion, transplant serology & massive transfusion. Whole blood collection & transfusion…
Donor management becomes a priority for Australian & New Zealand Blood Services as HIV infections surface on all continents. Discovery…
‘Recent Developments in Blood Group Serology’ is the theme for the ASBT/RCPA/HSA Sydney ASM. Guest speakers, Dr Pat Tippett &…
As the decade closes Australia’s Blood Resources for the 80’s is the theme for the conjoint ASBT/HSA/RCPA Hobart ASM.
An ASBT/HSA/CSL/Australian Red Cross Working Party with relevant Colleges is approved by the AGM, to begin work in 1979 on…
Conjoint ASMs between ASBT & HSA are locked in, allowing longer lead-time for planning & collaboration. Guidelines on the Use…
As the first Apple computer is trialled, the first ASBT Newsletter is snail-mailed to members. Strategic collaborations with ISBT, various…
A Working Party (with experts from various Colleges) charged with developing guidelines on the use of blood & blood products…
Hoechst, Pharmacia & Tuta Products Ltd continue early ASM sponsorship, laying foundations for strong, future, industry-professional society partnerships. The ASM…
Experts share their concern & expertise at the Canberra ASM focussing on the Australia (Au) Antigen & Hepatitis B. Earliest…
As Concord makes its first successful flight, three members are part-funded to attend the 1970 Moscow XIIth ISBT Congress. The first iteration…
ASBT co-sponsors Prof. J.J van Rood’s to visit Australia from The Netherlands, for a series of lectures & practical workshops…
The highly anticipated first Australian ISBT meeting, brings international experts to Sydney, taking place in the year Indigenous Australians are…
The planning pace for ISBT 1966 increases, assuming the dimensions of a military campaign (Dr Gordon Archer, Congress Secretary, pictured). Two…
ISBT accepts ASBT’s invitation to hold their 1966 congress with ISH in Sydney. ASBT Council meets to appoint Dr Thomson…
Forming an Australian transfusion society is the single agenda item at an historic, weekend meeting in Sydney. Time & technology…
Dr Eric Shaw (pictured), Director of BTS Queensland & a recent Fellow of the International Society of Haematology (ISH) flies…
In 1941, Dr R.J. (Bob) Walsh is assigned by the Australian Red Cross Society to increase the Sydney donor base….