1945 Coombs et al report the detection of “incomplete” antibodies using rabbit anti-human sera. Antiglobulin test subsequently added to crossmatch in addition to room temperature direct agglutination test.
1945 Bovine albumin first used, added to serum/cell mixture in crossmatch for detection of “incomplete” antibodies.
1946 Coombs, Lewis, Morant & Race describe Kell blood groups.
1946 Walsh publishes changes in haematological values following removal of 500 ml blood in 6 healthy male subjects.
1947 Morton & Pickles report the use of trypsin for detecting “incomplete” antibodies
1947 Walsh & Montgomery publish S/s of MNS system in NATURE.
1947 AABB established.
1949 Robust dialogue with the Chifley federal & state governments on provision & funding of donor blood services. PM Ben Chifley (Pictured: Via WikiCommons Images) agrees to blood plasma fractionation at CSL.
1949 Under the Menzies government discussions continue around blood service structure & funding.